Directed by Elizabeth D Costa Produced by Lalita Krishna © In Sync Media
Crowd Funding for Girls Surf Club in Cox's Bazar Bangladesh
Frequently Asked Questions
The crowd funding is an initiative to support the surf girls of the documentary BANGLA SURF GIRLS in their quest to build their own girls-only surf club in the Cox’s Bazar region.
The crowd funding initiative was started by the producers of the documentary BANGLA SURF GIRLS with support from the producers of the International OCEAN FILM TOUR who are screening a special edition of the documentary called: SHOBE SURFS. Local partners in Bangladesh are the Jaago Foundation (an NGO specialized on Education & Literacy projects). They will act as trustees of the funds.
The crowd funding will be available until Dec 31 in 2022.
All donated funds are held in a separate account of the Jaago Foundation. The total amount is immediately displayed once donations go through. The account is held in trust by the Jaago Foundation with oversight by the producers of the documentary, Lalita Krishna and Elizabeth D Costa and a representative from the International OCEAN FILM TOUR.
Shobe Meheraz and her friends are the inspiration behind the formation of the Girls Surf Club. The funds are being disbursed directly to them in incremental amounts as the project reaches critical milestones.
An initial budget was created by the girls with help from local mentors and supporters. It covers rental costs, salaries for 3 teachers, subsidies (food & transportation) for approx. 10 surfer students, Many more girls have shown interest in the initial training program, so more money means that more girls can join the program.
The budget calculations cover the costs for a period of 3 years and a limited number of students. More money means longer planning and the potential to teach more girls. The revised budget has also estimated cost of living increases.
The website https://www.banglasurfgirls.com will post updates with photos and videos once the club is started. Live updates on target amount reached are shown on the crowd funding page https://www.jaago.com.bd/bangla-surf-girls/
The Jaago Foundation tries to make donations as widely accessible as possible. Transaction fees occur while using international payment services like PayPal or Credit Card institutions.
The Girls Club is intended to be a revenue generating model. The girls plan to simultaneously start a fee- based teaching/training program and in three years they expect to be self-sufficient.